Lambtastic: Cooking up a niche for sheep meat in Southern AlbertaWe are super excited to have been featured in the Irish Examiner!! Head to their website and have a read for yourself:
What’s New On The FarmIt’s been a minute, so we wanted to check in and update you on all the new and exciting things happening at Lambtastic Farms! We have had...
The Local Food Price StigmaIn a world where people are struggling with high grocery costs, it’s important to find ways to save money on food. One way is by buying...
Let’s talk lamb!Because why not? What is the best kind of meat? It depends on where you are. If you’re in Alberta, for example, lamb might not be your...
What is the definition of locally sourced food?When something has a label that says “local” and is in your grocery store, does that really mean it is locally sourced food? Local should...
Listen to that sizzleLamb ribs! So good, why haven’t you cooked them before? Lamb ribs are a flavour packed option for dinner! Head over to our recipes and...